楽しい3D立体視 2021年マキノ出版刊
Enjoy 3D Viewing 2021 Published by Makino Shuppan.
This is the latest and 21st publication.
波よ、静まれ!/交差法 Waves, calm down!/cross eyed viewing エッフェル塔水族館/交差法 Eiffel Tower Aquarium/Cross eyed Viewing	カンガルー母仔/交差法 a kangaloo with her baby/cross eyed viewing トランシーバー・レシーバー/交差法 a transceiver and a receiver/cross eyed viewing 気球と風船 Baloons 忍者の手裏剣 Ninja's shuriken(throwing knives) ゾウさん Toy elephant 雨傘 umbrellas

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